Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Beginnings

The Painted Daisy is starting fresh, well sort of. True prim is never new just re purposed. So with the community era closed let the new blog era begin. Yes I will be closing the doors of the community this Fri 9/25/09. Its time to move on and up into a different venue.
Starting next week you will see and feel a whole new blog. I will have guest artists and on going artists contributing to this. Some might be ones you have heard of and others will be new to online crafting. We will have giveaways and other contests too. With running a community over the past 2 years I have lost my crafting mojo along the way. This is my journey to find it and return it to its rightful place. I will be clearing out the cob webs in the craft room and start designing again.

So please bookmark my crafting journey, become a follower! Whatever you need to do to find us. Stop back often as you will love what you find.

The Painted Daisy


  1. New beginnings are always wonderful and filled with excitement. I love the new look! IT is fresh and new just like this time in "The Painted Daisy's" life. Think of the community closing as if it were havesting your flowers and this is planting a brand new crop. I for one am excited to see what daisies bloom in this blog!
    Congrats and can't wait to see what blooms from your craft room too.

    Just so you know the girls and I sent the MOJO Fairy to you home last night. She left some good crafting MOJO and reported when you awake you will be filled with ideas and creative desires.
    Shweet Sandi

  2. Can't wait to see what is up your sleeves. :)

  3. blog looks great! I'm excited for all of you who are taking this adventure together. I'll be sure to check back regularly.

  4. Love your blog! Can't wait to see what's up.
